3 OFFICIAL STATEMENT OF POLICY It is the policy of DYB to promote the development of strong character, a right attitude, a sense of responsibility, and citizenship in youngsters, using the game of baseball as a vehicle. It is the purpose of DYB to achieve this goal through fair play, good sportsmanship, and congenial fellowship, with adult leaders providing the example while attempting to limit injury caused by overexertion. It is strictly against the policy of DYB for any person, either as a participant or a spectator, to engage in arguments, to use abusive language, to harass umpires, or to exhibit any behavior not in concert with the general intention of this policy statement. Team coaches are required to abide by this policy statement, and all parents and other adults are strongly encouraged to do so. INTENT OF DYB ORGANIZERS The fundamental intent of the organizers of Little Boys Baseball, Inc., was to develop a program which would emphasize local autonomy. It was their philosophy and belief that the parents and volunteer workers in each local league know what is best for them and their children. Since the mores (customs) of our people vary from community to community, even within the same districts, it was necessary to leave such things as night baseball, team selections, and league operation up to the local leagues. Certain fundamental rules were imposed upon the leagues that were deemed necessary for good organization and to keep one league from gaining an unfair advantage over another such as boundary and population limitations, the number of teams in a league, and the age brackets. The next important philosophical belief was that the leagues affiliated with the program should have a voice in the running of the program. Thus, the provision for electing national board members from among the leagues to serve with the organizers was made. It should be borne in mind that at the outset there were no provisions for state organizations, nor state or district directors. The original concept of governmental structure was the Board of Directors and the leagues. The necessity for state directors was realized shortly after organizing and soon after the need for district directors became apparent. There is nothing specific in our constitution concerning state organizations, state directors, or district directors. Any governmental structure between the local leagues and the national board exists for one reason- to serve the local leagues as administrative adjuncts of the board. The idea of local leagues being dominated by a district or state organization is in direct conflict with the original philosophy. The imposition of any rule on a local league should be done with utmost reluctance and absolute necessity. DYB Inc. (“DYB”) is a non-discriminatory community-based organization which aims to promote fair play for all participants through the uniform adherence to DYB Official Rules, Policies & Regulations. DYB is fully committed to equal opportunity and abides by all applicable federal, state and local laws pertaining to nondiscrimination and fair practices. DYB, Inc. does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, region, ethnicity or disability.